Sunday, December 27, 2009
Last Christmas Before Santa Comes to our house!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
22 Week Ultra Sound
I am feeling constant movement and kicking at this point. They are very active babies, which is why the pictures came out a little blurry. They would not sit still for the tech to take the pictures.
This is a Head to Head picture of the both of them

This is Derrick

This is Elissa

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fun little questions
1. How far along are you? 22 Weeks
2. Do you know baby's gender? Boy and Girl
3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Derrick James and Elissa Lynn
4. Are you showing? Yes
5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? Nope, not yet, but I do have a scar from my belly button ring that is stretching a lot
6. How is your belly button looking these days? Its popping out, lol
7. How is your overall appearance these days? ummm, not as cute as I'd like, lol.
8. How about your boobs? grown almost two bra sizes so far! Yikes!
9. How much weight have you gained so far? 20 pounds
10. Any swelling at this point? nope, other than my cheeks, does that count. LOL
11. How about symptoms? not to many recently... which is nice
12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? not any more
13. How are you sleeping? sleeping? Whats that??
14. Are you feeling movements? yes, and kicking too
15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? no
16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? Oh yes!! Very often
17. How is your overall energy level? Pretty good lately
18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? Nope, any suggestions?
19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? Favorite, is the reaction I get when people find out I am having twins. Least favorite, the actual pregnancy!
20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? ??
21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? Not what I am supposed to.. I know, I should be drinking more water.
22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? A lot more picky about what I want.. and I have been enjoying french fries more than I should.
23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? a little bit about the C-Section.
24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? not until after the holidays
25. Done much shopping for baby yet? none
26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? OB
27. Plan to take any classes? A C-Section preperation class and new parenting class
28. Are you having a shower for this baby? yes, Thank you Crystal and Anjela!!
29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? Yes
30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? No
31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? C-Section, not much to plan
32. How has your hubby been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? Getting more and more excited!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
21 Weeks (5 1/2 months)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Standard Check Up
We discussed the C-Section today and he would like to schedule it approximately 2 weeks before my actual due date, which would be approximately April 8th.
I will post a new belly pic later this week.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What is a Single Umbilical Artery?
Normally, an umbilical cord has three vessels. One is a vein and two are arteries. The vein carries blood away from the fetus and back to the mother's bloodstream via the placenta, while the arteries carry mom's nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to the developing baby. In a pregnancy with a single umbilical artery, one of the two umbilical cord arteries is missing, leaving only one vein and one artery.
Is a Single Umbilical Artery Dangerous?
Having a single umbilical artery can lead to an increased risk of birth defects, but these are usually associated with other signs as well. Doctors using ultrasound can spot chromosomal abnormalities that may be associated with the loss of an umbilical artery. The pregnant woman will then be referred for further testing through tests like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. The good thing is that the ultra sounds are not revealing any abnormalities and the Dr has no concerns.
If the fetus doesn't have any other problems seen via ultrasound or through amniocentesis, then problems due to a single umbilical artery are not likely to occur. However, sometimes the doctor will want to order extra ultrasounds (which I have every 3-4 weeks any way, being that I am having twins) throughout the pregnancy just to be on the safe side. This can help rule out instances of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), when the baby's blood supply is not providing enough nutrients for proper growth, which might occur due to abnormal umbilical cord blood vessels.
The reason for the Csection is to decrease the chances of stress on the baby during delivery. With only one artery, and the stress of labor it can decrease the oxygen to the baby. Therefore a Csection will alleviate any stress and concern.
How Common is a Single Umbilical Artery?
One percent of single births and about five percent of pregnancies carrying twins or other multiples have the problem of the fetus developing only a single umbilical artery. The incidence of single umbilical arteries is higher in Caucasian women and in female babies. Mothers older than 40 and those who have had more than three children also are in a higher risk group for their baby to develop this condition. Doctors may wish to follow up more frequently with pregnant women who are in these high-risk groups.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Some New Pics


Derrick (he was waving at gma, lol)

P.S. I felt the babies move for the first time this weekend. I think it was because I ate to much Thanksgiving dinner and they ran out of room! LOL. Both Grandmas were there and were very excited!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We are having....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
People have asked...
I have been sick 24-7, and could not seem to keep any food down. the Dr put me on one medication which did not work. He added another medication and told me that if I don't start keeping food down he would hospitalize me. Yay *me being sarcastic* Luckily, the 2nd medication seems to help. I am now taking 2 medications which help me to keep the food down, but make me feel Very tired all the time. My new bed time has been about 6:45-7:00pm every night.
Today, I am feeling pretty good. Tired, but not very sick. I have been making it through the night with only one nauseous moment and grabbing a quick snack (usually around 3am) seems to help and I can go back to sleep.
For those of you who do not know, I have Fibromyalsia Syndrome (FMS) and it hasn't been to bad during the pregnancy so far. Thank Goodness. I have had bad leg cramping and aching from it, which makes it hard to sleep sometimes, but other than that, it has been pretty mellow. Thank goodness.
I am looking forward to the time in the pregnancy that I can "enjoy" being pregnant. Haven't quite gotten there yet, but I am optimistic that my time will come.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
12 Weeks
Thursday, October 1, 2009
11 Weeks

Your baby will begin to grow very rapidly, and by the end of week 11, your baby will be about 2 inches in length. To accommodate this growth, the blood vessels in the placenta are increasing -- both in size and in number -- to provide the baby with more nutrients. At the middle of week 11, you have 80 days down -- only 200 to go!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Twin Books
Thursday, September 24, 2009
10 Weeks
"Week 10 marks a milestone for your baby-to-be. This first part of fetal development is all about organization. All your baby-to-be's cells have been directed to their places—brain tissue is growing rapidly, muscles are forming, fingers and toes are becoming defined. Your baby-to-be looks less like an embryo (or an alien) and more like the baby in miniature that he is. He's getting bigger, too."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
9 Weeks

p.s. If you click on the picture, it enlarges it...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I thought I would share this really neat little viedo. It is a look inside the 1st thru 9th week of pregnancy. It is really really neat.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
8 Weeks
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Cord Blood Donation
Umbilical cord blood donation can save critically-ill patients suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, and more than 70 other diseases. But keep in mind: cord blood donation requires simple, advanced preparation, and the obstetrician must act immediately after the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. Fortunately, the donated blood is withdrawn from the umbilical cord after it is detached, so there is no discomfort for the mother or baby. Yet, most delivery room doctors discard life-saving cord blood as medical waste, even though cord blood donation is desperately needed by tens of thousands of people who have life-threatening illnesses.
Here's the point: the blood in an umbilical cord consists of stem cells that can "transform" into various types of healthy cell tissue. That tissue may be a treatment for many serious illnesses, including leukemia and other cancers, sickle cell disease, brain tumors, and osteoporosis. In the future, stem cells from donated cord blood may also be used to treat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and diabetes. Although some ill patients "match" with a family member who can donate stem cells that are suitable for their treatment, nearly 75 percent of patients are not so fortunate. Cord blood donations can give these critically-ill patients a much better chance of finding stem cells that match their tissue type.
Unlike the ethical issues that surround embryonic stem cell research, stem cells from live-birth cord blood are collected from an umbilical cord that would otherwise be thrown away, so there are no moral barriers.
For more information on donating http://www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fewhours/cord-blood-donation.htm
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Brunch with other mommies
I feel fortunate to have all of you in my life and thank you so much for all of the encouragement, support and great advice! Look forward to the next one!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sooo cute!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gift from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Manley were so thrilled to find out they are going to be Grandparents, that they wanted to be the very first person to buy the grand baby a gift. So Sweet! The package arrived in the mail today and it is the neatest thing!
The Original Slumber Bear!
"Since 1978 The Original Slumber Bear has been helping millions of newborns sleep in maternity hospitals and homes worldwide. Its the only audio pacifier with and actual recording made inside a mothers womb. Slumber Bears authentic sounds are universally recognized by babies and effective in lulling them to sleep in minutes! Sound box has 5 minute auto shot off timer, with sound and motion sensors that reactivate recoding when baby cries or the bear is moved. Slumber Bear also comes with a Silkie (blanket) that retains parents scent and reassures baby of their presence."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Changing Back
I am realizing the staff is really not that important. What is most important is that I (we) like the Dr and feel comfortable with him. We both love the Dr that did the IUI procedure, and it turns out he does delivery (which dummy me, I did not verify in the beginning). So I am cancelling my appointment with the new Dr (WHO WE HATED) and have my next appointment on Wed with our original Dr. I am already feeling less stressed.
The nurse reassured me and told me that being that I am only 5 weeks along, she is not surprised that the Dr did not see anything in the ultra sound. =o)I was not sure what to make of that during the appointment and the Dr did nothing to reassure me.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
5 Weeks

Today I am exactly 5 weeks pregnant. Danny and I went to the first appointment with our new Doctor and left there feeling a bit discouraged. The Dr. did an Ultra Sound and didn't see much of anything. He said it is not completely uncommon not to see much this early in the pregnancy. He had me do blood work today and wants blood work again on Friday to compare my "levels" and we scheduled another appointment for next week.
I will call Monday to get the results of the blood work.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Our first gift
Our first prenatal visit is tomorrow and I will be 5 weeks pregnant. I will update after I have more news.
the next day I had the blood test to confirm!
Telling the grandparents to be was exciting. My mom cried of course, and was over joyed. She told me it was a race to see who gets to tell my dad first! I won! My dad said "Oh wow, congratulations, to meeeee" Hahhaa. Danny's mom seemed almost like she was expecting it, and was very excited. Danny's dad was full of joy as well!