Grandma and Grandpa Manley were so thrilled to find out they are going to be Grandparents, that they wanted to be the very first person to buy the grand baby a gift. So Sweet! The package arrived in the mail today and it is the neatest thing!
The Original Slumber Bear!
"Since 1978 The Original Slumber Bear has been helping millions of newborns sleep in maternity hospitals and homes worldwide. Its the only audio pacifier with and actual recording made inside a mothers womb. Slumber Bears authentic sounds are universally recognized by babies and effective in lulling them to sleep in minutes! Sound box has 5 minute auto shot off timer, with sound and motion sensors that reactivate recoding when baby cries or the bear is moved. Slumber Bear also comes with a Silkie (blanket) that retains parents scent and reassures baby of their presence."
that is so great. how awesome and exciting!! fun fun fun!