Monday, October 26, 2009


This past weekend I felt better than I have in quite a while, which was great timing for the visit from grandma and grandpa to be. My mom and I went shopping for some maternity clothes on Saturday and they had a pillow in one of the dressing rooms to put on under your clothes, in order to see how the clothing would fit in a couple months once the belly has grown. So, I put it on with the tank top I was trying on and this is what I looked like.


  1. MY OH MY I think your going to grow ALOT! I had so much fun shopping till we dropped. Laughing that this and that, Picking out all those out what did you end up with 10 outfits 3 PJ & robes outfits, slippers and even Desert riding outfit. Wow was that fun! xoxoxox OH and getting to rub that belly!

  2. oh my gosh.. you look so fantastic and fashionable. :-) I love it!

  3. LOL, I looked at this picture BEFORE reading what you wrote & Said "Holy crap" I really thought you had grown that much (for sec) AND Sierra repeated, Holy crap, OOOPSS !!! gotta watch myself with a 2 year old around, lol

  4. I am so glad you're feeling better and that you are now starting to enjoy your pregnancy. Maternity shopping is so fun! Can't wait to see you and your belly soon. :)


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